Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow
Pl. Jana Matejki 13
Can you repeat the question, sir?
Andrzej Bembenek, Andrzej Folfas
Dominik Stanisławski
Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow
Pl. Jana Matejki 13
20.04.2024 – 16:30
20–21.04.2024 – 11:00–18:00
22.04.2024 – closed
23–26.04.2024 – 15:00–18:00
The exhibition juxtaposes, on the rights of a montage, the attitudes of two mature painters who, due to their functioning in geographically distant cities (Cracow – Zielona Góra), have so far had no opportunity either artistically or privately to bump into each other. The question in the title of the exhibition directs attention to the consistency, both thematically and regarding the medium, that characterizes both artists, while referring to the obvious Godardian statement about the non-existence of the image (“there are only images”).
Operating at the Academy of Fine Arts’ Faculty of Painting, the space presents a wide spectrum of subjects taken up, programmatically not limiting itself to the native medium or environment. The ambition of the Gallery’s supervisor, Dominik Stanislawski, is to expand the platform open to a variety of exhibition, workshop and design forms, including performative, or those relating to the audiosphere, virtual spaces or AI.