First sense
Anna Barańska, Małgorzata Gorzelewska-Namiota, Marta Koguc, Zuzanna Łapka, Aneta Misiaszek, Jolanta Nowaczyk, Martyna Pinkowska, Hanna Rozpara, Martyna Rzepecka, Elwira Sztetner, Olga Ząbroń
Jan Chornikowski, Olimpia Maciejewska, Paulina Mazurek
Cricoteka, Education Room, 3rd floor
ul. Nadwiślańska 2–4
The exhibition is open from Thursday to Sunday between 11am and 7pm.
Important message!
“Dear visitors!
Your safety is the most important to us, therefore, in the current epidemiological situation, we invite everyone to the exhibition, but so far in a slightly changed form. At the moment, we are forced to give up the tactile experience of exposure. However, we still do our best to make it move your other senses and let you experience it fully. We will try to do our best in specially prepared narratives convey to you what we wanted to convey by touch. When we look, we will imagine textures, weights and temperature. Therefore, we kindly ask you to listen to these audio works on your own equipment – a link to them can be found in the exhibition space.
The exhibition in full form will be held at Cricoteka as soon as possible. We will definitely keep you informed about everything on our fanpage and in the event.
Meanwhile, we are setting off next Sunday, so we invite you to a joint journey through the senses – sometimes intuitive and extrasensory”
Event description
‘First sense’ is a project based on experiencing art without using sight. It’s main element is an exhibition taking place between 18th and 25th of October 2020 as part of Cracow Art Week KRAKERS in the Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor CRICOTEKA. The project was co founded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promoting Culture’s Accessible Culture programme. The viewers will be able to experience the exhibition completely without using their eyes, engaging the remaining senses, mostly touch – the first sense we use to explore the world now culturally dominated by sight. The project allows equal access to art for people who can see, those with visual disabilities, autism spectrum and the elderly who are losing their eyesight. The exhibition will showcase works of 11 artists from all over Poland selected through an open-call contest by independent jurors – Edward Deskur (a blind audioart creator), Malwina Antoniszczak (designer specializing in exhibitions for visually impaired), Lech Kolasiński (designer of tactile educational adaptations and tactile interpretations of works of art). The space will also be filled with site-specific installations made by the students of the Department of Art of the Pedagogical University in Cracow during workshops lead by the members of the jury. Accompanying events are also planned – lectures and online meetings dedicated to haptic and tactile art (with a sculptor Iwona Demko, dr.Sebastian Stankiewicz and Edward Deskur among others), workshops for seeing and visually impaired persons conducted by our partners – Schools and Institutions Complex ‘The Center for Blind and Visually Impaired’ in Kraków, activities for people with the autism spectrum and for seniors. ‘First sense’ is mostly a creative action aiming at integration of visually impaired and seeing people and expanding ways of experiencing art by going back to touch.