CSW Solvay

Start: 11.04.2019, Time: 7 pm

Adres: 62 Zakopiańska street, Main Gallery

The exhibition is open from the 8th of April. The Gallery is opened from the 8th to the 12th of April between 10am and 8pm, on the 13th of April between 10am and 2pm. On the 14th the gallery will be closed.


Magdalena Siejko

Event description

This project touches the body, its reactions and emotions, self-awareness in the aspect of silence and momentary isolation from the rush of everyday life. Reverie – as in unconsciously focusing on the ‘parallel’ space, almost ‘unimportant and nonexistent’, gives the possibility of a free flow of the stream of consciousness; it’s a hold-up, standing still and stopping the work of cogs connecting us to reality, anchoring us in the ‘between’ with the ability to look into the middle of the story.

Gallery description

The goal of the Center of Contemporary Art Solvay is to promote events related to contemporary art. The dominant aspects of work are fine arts, theater, multimedia and music. The Center has for many years presented and popularized artistic tendencies, stances and phenomena in the country and outside of it. The galleries of CCA Solvay presented works by creators from Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, England, Scotland, China, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Algeria and the USA. Besides that it has also been host to residencies and many creative workshops. The Center focuses mostly on promoting young artists.

