A museum is not a storage space. It gathers people together, clashes the past with the future and gives an opportunity for discussion, polemic and an author’s commentary. During this year’s edition of KRAKERS, The Ethnographic Museum of Kraków would like to invite students and graduates of the Department of Artistic Education of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow to an artistic experiment. Young creators will have a chance to personally explore the museum’s collection, searching for the topics and aspects that resonate with them. The works created during the TRWA_NIE project will become a part of the permanent exhibition of the Ethnographic Museum and the authors will guide the audience through the space conceived in the experiment. Monika Nęcka from the Academy of Fine Arts will be the curator, while the coordination of the project is a task given to Katarzyna Piszczkiewicz from the Ethnographical Museum.
During the Cracow ArtWeek, we offer the chance to experience this exhibition in the fullest way possible – through a walk between the Museum’s departments with the curator, Agata Małodobry and through dance improvisation workshops conducted by Zofia Noworól.
The exhibition on display in the Zwierzyniecki House is devoted to suburbs and the people who live there. It is a search for the answer to the question – does Cracow have suburbs, and if yes – where are they and how does the life look like there? It is a part of the ‘przeMieszczanie’ project, started as part of the celebrations of the 120 anniversary of the Cracow History Museum.
This studio was opened by two artists sharing an almost identical lineage – Kukla and Gromniak. They were both born in 1989, both are qualified graphic designers, graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow and both turned to painting and experimental music in their art. They have recently opened a studio and gladly invite guests into it to show their latest works.
Rafael Jablonka is an art dealer, collector, curator, and a gallery owner. For 30 years he was the owner of ‘Jablonka Galerie’ – one of the most renowned institution in Germany, operating on an international level. He is one of the most important contemporary art collectors in Europe, focusing mostly on works created after 1980. During the talk with his friend, Adam Zagajewski, he will tell about the beginnings of his collection, his experience in owning a gallery and share his opinion on the opportunities and risks connected to the art market and about the role and the meaning of a patron.
During our showings, we will present 3 outstanding works related to man’s journey to the moon. All of them, besides having a lot of cinematic charm and being examples of great craft can also be analyzed from the technological, philosophical, psychological and religious point of view.
On this exhibition, the Polish audience will have the first chance to see ‘Job’ a movie created by Polish-Dutch artist Verena Blok. This work shows an intimistic approach to the lives of two brothers, who the artist met some time ago during her holidays in Poland. While observing those men she focuses on their attitude towards the body and the language they use to describe the world around them. She sees that it multiplies the same prejudices they face when working abroad.
Besides the movie, pictures taken by the artist will also be shown.
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The exhibition will be open every day during the Cracow Art Week from 3 pm – 8pm
The opening of the exhibition 10/04/2019 at 8pm, 39 Mogilska street, Krakow
WEGEWEKI will prepare some hummus snacks, check it out:
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The exhibition will show 50 posters by Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, created at various times and places and for different reasons. Posters for festivals, exhibitions, contemporary topics, and personal matters – each is a kind of an experiment. You will have to decide whether they were a success or not.
Agnieszka Ziemiszewska – designer, curator, lecturer. She’s won many awards and commendations, she was a part of the jury in many national and international graphic design contests and had workshops and lectures in Poland and abroad. She is also the author of the Poster/Blog. www.ziemi.art.pl
Those not jumping are (cut)!
During a dance, jumping is one of the most important activities of a human being. Processes taking place In the brains of the participants are often described as space flights. It needs to be added that all the attendees are on the ground for the first and the last time – which is why it is important to jump, see them, listen to them, clap and high five or fist bump them.
We invite you for a detective’s walk through Nowa Huta, during which we will see such beautifully designed, exceptional places like the People’s Theater and Lord’s Ark.
We’ve chosen routes that will allow the participants to find out about the circle of galleries, ateliers and other places being a part of the contemporary art environment – and there are lots of those! Some are deeply hidden in the city’s tissue, others are placed by the most representative streets and known for a long time. You might be surprised, how close and how strong the pulse of art beats in Cracow, conquering the most unexpected areas. Our meetings will allow us to take part in the unique, direct dialogue with people creating and maintaining those places and with the artist who fill them with their works. Let’s give our smartphones a rest, and let us meet. Take a chance to touch the city.
We hope to give you a set of hints on how to find art in the future.
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A meeting with Janek Simon – the creator of interactive installations, videos, objects, and artistic actions, drawing his inspiration from video games and the Internet. In his works, Janek uses elements of predicting the future, catastrophic themes, and the oncoming doom. His debut took the form of Carpet Invaders – a simple computer game, whose level is the picture of a carpet projected on the floor. His other work, a well-known movie ‘Departure’, shows as one by one antique towers of Cracow’s buildings take off into the air, creating a new, flat cityscape. The main point of the meeting will be a presentation of the artists’ projects – those which already exist and those that are planned for the future.
What is contemporary art? How will art look in the future and what techniques will the artists be using? During the workshops, we will take a trip to find new ways of expression. Space lies before us and the possibilities are limitless. We will create new techniques and use them to make art. We will also take a look at the works of modern artists and have them inspire us.
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