18. | 5pm | Kochanowskiego 28/3

28/3 Kochanowskiego street

20. | 5:30pm | Zofia Weiss Gallery

6 Krupnicza street, The garden of Pod Norenami Restaurant

22. | 6pm | Raz na zawsze

58/5 Iwona Odrowąża street

23. | 6:30pm | The Gallery of the Faculty of Art of the Pedagocical University

43 Mazowiecka street

25. | 7pm | CSW Solvay

62 Zakopiańska street, Main Gallery

27. | 7pm | Plus Gallery

2 Podchorążych street (I floor), the link between the old and the new building of the Pedagogical University

32. | 5pm | ZPAP OK “Pryzmat” Gallery

3 Łobzowska street

33. | 5pm | Hotel Polski

17 Pijarska street, level -1

34. | 5:30pm | Dyląg Gallery

22 st.Thomas street

35. | 5:30pm | A space in Centrum Biurowe Drukarnia Związkowa

13 Mikołajska street

36. | 5:30pm | Potencja

11a/3 Rakowicka street

37. | 5pm | ZPAF

24 st.Thomas street

38. | 6pm | Gallery-Studio of Tadeusz Kantor/The Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor Cricoteka

7/5 Sienna street

41. | 6:30pm | Zofia Weiss Gallery

12 Sławkowska street, 1st floor

42. | 6:30pm | SŁAWKOWSKA.PL

14 Sławkowska street

43. | 7pm | Baszta Gallery – 'Dworek Białoprądnicki' Cultural Center

2 Papiernicza street

44. | 7pm | Fundacja4Style

8 Wszystkich Świętych square

45. | 7pm | New Era Art Gallery

27 Main Market Square

46. | 7pm | Salon Dzieł Sztuki Connaisseur

7/5a Main Market Square

47. | 7:30pm | Author's gallery Marian Gołogórski

29 Grodzka street

48. | 7:30pm | Shefter Gallery

6 Jabłonowskich street

50. | 8:30pm | CSW Wiewiórka

8 Na Zjeździe street

52. | 4pm | Zofia Weiss Gallery

17/4 Czysta street

53. | 5pm | Sarego 10

10 Sarego street

54. | 5:30 | 2 okna Gallery

40 Józefa street

55. | 6pm | Trzecie Oko Gallery

5 Bocheńska street

56. | 6pm | Abecadło Secondhand Bookshop

18/U3 Tadeusz Kościuszko street

58. | 6:30pm | Jak Zapomnieć

7 Dietla street

59. | 7pm | F.A.I.T.

2a Ujejskiego street

60. | 7pm | Krasińskiego 28

28/1 Krasińskiego street

61. | 7:30pm | FRESZ Gallery

18 Karmelicka street

62. | 7:30pm | Zwrotnica Gallery

Zwrotnica – The House of Social Initiatives, 6/9 Kremerowska street

64. | 8:30pm | Atelier OKO

10 Dolnych Młynów street (Second floor, entrance at the back of the Zet Pe Te club)

65. 8:30pm | The exhibition space of the Tytano Foundation

10 Dolnych Młynów street (the room by the Studio Litograf)

66. | 8:30pm | VRCafe Kraków VR

10 Dolnych Młynów street (VRCafe Kraków VR, the entrance vis-à-vis MANE)

| 5pm | RAVEN Art gallery

7 Brzozowa street