Zuza Banasińska, Lea Gudrich, Johannes Vogl, Mario Kolaric, Emilija Radojičić, Luka Cvetković, Tijana Petrović, Davor Gromilović, Michalina Bigaj, Katarzyna Skrobiszewska, Magdalena Lazar
Katarzyna Skrobiszewska, Magdalena Lazar
Hotel Cracovia
al. marsz. Ferdynanda Focha 1
Luka Cvetkovic’s performance on the 20.10 – more details on-line
Event description
Even though the ecological disaster is keeping us awake, we slowly start to notice a brighter side of what might happen after the chaos. It’s been so present in our consciousness, so inevitable, that it made imagination react in an unusual way. A new style of narration came to be and it penetrates the language intensively in order to locate cultural patterns and metaphors for what is extraordinary, non discursive but real. Burning water is a clash of two elements and a kind of new birth. Opening of the ‘Vistula is burning’ exhibition in the former Cracovia Hotel will be accompanied by a performance by Luka Cvetkovic, a young artist from Belgrade, one of the creators of the artistic and curatorial collective Institut Za Aplauz (The Applause Institute). The collective explores reciprocal relations between the (re)presentation and the reception of art in public spaces. Due to the epidemic attendance at the opening will be limited.
The exhibition of German, Polish and Serbian artists will take place in the former Cracovia Hotel as a part of the ‘Nature is my Homeland’ project of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
Gallery description