Konfederacka 4

At one’s fingertips

Start: Tuesday, 09.04. 2019, Time: 7 pm

Address: 4 Konfederacka street


PRV (Weronika Adamska, Sylwia Brzyszczyk, Anna Buczek, Kinga Burek, Karolina Fyda, Mateusz Deryniowski, Krzysztof Grzybacz, Paulina Jaklik, Beata Jakubek, Fryderyk Kądziela, Aleksandra Kisiel, Mateusz Kołodziejczyk, Joanna Makowska, Patrycja Myrda, Ewelina Pazowska, Katarzyna Piątek, Patrycja Piętka, Katarzyna Rysz, Aleksandra Samołyk)


Alicja Gołyźniak

Event description

As our civilization is progressing and the population keeps growing we announce apartments for rent in a city from the future. Our special offer is rich in comfortable and handy flats, all smaller than 1 m2. Everybody will find a spot in our posthumanistic world.

Gallery description

The Attic of Konfederacka 4 restaurant
