Cubist paintings of Jean-Luc Picarda

Start: 11.04.2019, Time: 6 pm

Address: 8/29 Prądnicka street


Władysław Markowski, Magdalena Kościsz, Justyna Kowal

Event description

Space: the final frontier*.
In the Nap-Dog gallery/atelier three artists – Władysław Markowski, Magdalena Kościsz and Justyna Kowal will present their artistic project Cubist paintings of Jean-Luc Picard. Artists intend to interfere with the gallery’s space, exposing their everyday life and their vision of a leap to far away, not yet discovered dimensions.
*an introduction to the Star Trek tv series.

Gallery description

Nap Dog gallery, supervised by Magdalena Kościsz and Władysław Markowski since 2015 is a place of irregular activity, open wide for various artistic initiatives. The name is connected to the commercials on surrounding fast-food booths, dominating the area of Nowy Kleparz, where the gallery is located.

