Real life exhibitions and an on-line project
Ernest Borowski, Zuzanna Bodzoń, Estera Gałuszka, Aleksandra Huk, Michał Menkarski, Dominik Setlak, Mateusz Stanuszek
Mariusz Sołtysik, współpraca Estera Gałuszka i Dominik Setlak
OPCJA Gallery of the Faculty of Intermedia
Detailed information, times and addresses of exhibitions available on KRAKERS’s and OPCJA Gallery’s websites and on facebook
19.10 Dominik Setlak – ul. Kalwaryjska 54 (backyard)
20.10 Ernest Borowski – ul. Lenartowicza 19 (flat)
21.10 Estera Gałuszka – ul. Retoryka 21/1 (window and flat)
22.10 Zuzanna Bodzoń – ul. Zamkowa 12 (backyard)
23.10 Michał Menkarski – ul. Majora 1/1 (flat)
24.10 Anna Huk – ul. Bałuckiego 15 (before garage)
25.10 Mateusz Stanuszek – online
Event description
‘Adhesion’ relates to a term used in physics and chemistry, which etymologically comes from Latin. Adhesion means physical attraction or connection between two substances, especially noticeable in macro scale between two substances having different characteristics. This time, the ‘attraction’ or ‘connection’ might become an inspiration to show individual spaces as a common conglomerate or a habitat which wouldn’t happen naturally. It comes from the need of working with other people, a social activity with a touch of emanation of individual characters. Creators will adapt a physical space, making it into an exhibition capsule (a room, a cellar, an attic, inside of a car etc) which they will then record. It will become a virtual space with features of a physical, material reality. Resulting records should be connected with other ‘capsules’, interiors, creating a unreal building based on a documentary notation. Virtual reality gives us the opportunity to make this connection and to confront both worlds. In the material world the connection may exist only in the spectator’s mind. COVID-19, and the way viruses are built in general, comes into this context, as they need to ‘adhere’ to the host in order to infect it. It seems, that the whole human kind is like a virus to our planet, destroying it and yet helpless in the face of their own actions. We live in a state of uncertainty, suspension and unreality, not knowing the mechanisms of reality and all the consequences of our actions.
Gallery description
‘Opcja’ is the Gallery of the Faculty of Intermedia of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. It started its operation in 2013. This space is dedicated mostly to student’s works, presentations and as a space for teaching studios. The gallery is open also for presentations of interesting projects from outside the Academy, as festivals, lectures, shows and contests. Mariusz Sołtysik is a formal caretaker of the gallery. Between 2013 and 2019 the gallery held 45 exhibitions. The main part were ‘P for presentation’ and ‘YOU/ME’ series. The goal of those series was to show the phenomena that occur at the studio/teacher – student meeting point and to make it available as a show, exhibition or an event. The form proposed by the relied on a relationship between the place and the topic, a mutually complementary realizations or ones discussing with each other. This form also never expected a finished work. Currently the exhibitions are not regular, however the main assumptions remained unchanged. A gesture, a proces or a chosen substantive aspect is the most welcome. The gallery is also the headquarters of the international contest of intermedia art ICIA.