Appeal of Fame


Jerzy Tyburski


Alek Janicki


ul. Józefińska 43


Opening 18.10 at 4pm

Event description

The paintings of Jerzy Tyburski are full of sensitivity and an honest admiration of the world’s beauty. Creating works of art is his passion and an attempt to notice a spark of joy and hope in the wounded world. In some ways it’s like the ‘Bluebird’ – one of his latest paintings – it always wants the dry branches in which he’s trapped, gave new life and bloom just like in the portrait ‘A Blooming tree’.

Malarstwo Jerzego Tyburskiego jest pełne wrażliwości i szczerego

zachwytu nad pięknem świata. Tworzenie dzieł to jego pasja, oraz próba

dostrzeżenia iskierki radości i nadziei w poranionym świecie. W pewnym

sensie jest on niczym “Niebieski ptak”. jednym z najnowszych obrazów –

nieustannie pragnie, by suche gałęzie, w których jest uwięziony, wydały

nowe życie i zakwitły jak w portrecie “Kwitnące drzewo”. Among the representations of tree-women and women with a bouquet on their heads, there is the portrait entitled “Sława”

Katarzyna Szymańska

Gallery description

‘Raven’ Art Gallery is located in Cracow’s district of Kazimierz. It is a special place, often visited by tourists. In its archives there are paintings by great contemporary artists – paintings, graphics, drawings and sculptures. The gallery often, especially in spring and autumn, organizes exhibitions. To this day ca. 200 exhibitions took place here. ‘Raven’ closely cooperates with the Academy of Fine Arts, the Association of Visual Artists, and the owner, Zofia Kruk, is a member of SAMP and CINQA.