On a swing
Robert Bartel
Grażyna Borowik-Pieniek
Outsider Art Research Station
ul. Kalwaryjska 29
Opening: 25.09.2020 6pm
Event description
Robert Bartel, a professor of UAP, active painter, graphic artist, draftsman, producer of spatial installation, art therapist. ‘On a swing’ is an intermedia exhibition consisting of graphic works and sculptures.
Gallery description
The Outsider Art Research Station began its existence in 2018, on the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Psychiatry and Art Association. Through exhibitions, science, cultural, social, publishing and documentary activity the center carries out its statutory activities – cooperation with cultural, educational, health and research facilities, development and promotion of health-oriented initiatives, organizing international science conferences, exhibitions of professional and outsider artists, publishing catalogues and materials on art therapy and psychopathology of expression, helping artistically gifted people remaining in the circle of psychopathological risk.
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