VRCafe Kraków VR

70 billion

Start: 13.04.2019, Time: 8:30 pm

Address: 10 Dolnych Młynów street (VRCafe Kraków VR, the entrance vis-à-vis MANE)


Kinga Burek


Sonia Kądziołka, Wiktoria Kozioł

Event description

Technological progress is often understood as a civilization leap. Industrial cattle-breeding was meant to end world hunger, however still 120 thousands of people die and 191 millions of animals are being killed every day, which results in 43.8 millions of people and 70 billions animals annually. Kinga Burek’s project is a series of large format works depicting animal carcasses and its aim is to make us think about the methods of the aestheticization of the macabre of killing. Still life, originally suggesting economical aspirations of the owner, has now lost its function.

Opis miejsca

Miejscem wystawy jest jedna z surowych sal VRCafe – futurystyczne miejsce, gdzie spotykają się gracze virtual reality games i nie tylko…


