Marcel Wojdyło
FRESZ Gallery
Karmelicka 18
16/06 | 7 p.m.
Event description
Cracow is a city enjoying well deserved fame. Spanish moms, German grandparents, english wives – everybody saw Wawel or the St.Mary’s church. Who didn’t get a postcard from Cracow? Despite all this Cracow looks different on vacation, when a loved one breaks the relationship with us. It is different during fun nights out and in the sobering morning. The XD OF CRACOW’S VIEWS is a personal record of dear places and a propaganda piece on Author’s favorite colors.
Description of the place
FRESZ Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Cracow. It searches for young, promising creators, focusing on uniqueness, modernity and individuality. Most of the artists associatd with the gallery are graduates and graduate students of the Academy of Fine Arts, rewarder multiple times in the most important Polish competitions and rankings, winners of scholarships. FRESZ exists since 2014. It is located in the center of Cracow, also sells art online. Organizes exhibitions promoting associated artists and displays works at Warsaw Art Fair.